Product composition – REACH
In Europe, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) classifies chemicals that could be harmful to health or the environment in Regulation (EC) 1907/2006. This is based on the basis of the ‘Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals (REACH)’ system. For specific high-risk products, such as toys and childcare products that can be put in the mouth, precise requirements dictate which chemicals (including phthalates) may be used in these products and in what quantities. These requirements are much stricter than for other products, such as floors or furniture.
At Solcora, we prioritise safety and health above everything else. That is why our design floors not only meet the strictest standards of the ECHA for interior applications, but even meet the same standard that is defined for plastic materials in toys and childcare products that can be put in the mouth. Solcora only uses a phthalate-free plasticiser. If our production team had their way, you could eat off the floor!